Friday, June 27, 2008

Space heater pose safety concern.

Here is a recent news post from

Burlington, Vermont - June 26, 2008
Vermont utilities hope customers won't rely on electric heaters this winter, fearing bills could get out of hand and the heaters could tax the electrical grid. But there's also a safety concern.
The utilities say heaters can pose a fire hazard; they can overheat and should never be left near combustible items. Officials also say to turn the space heaters down when you leave the house or go to bed.
"We really urge people to read the manuals, supervise children," said Steve Costello of Central Vermont Public Service. "They do get hot and easy to knock over and start fires. That's a big issue."
Experts say the best way to keep your home heating costs down is to make sure windows and doors have tight seals and that ceilings and walls are well-insulated.
Darren Perron - WCAX News

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